Begin Again

Just some thoughts on why I think that beginning again is a good idea.

I want to drown myself in writing; wash myself with words. And instead I've been worrying whether anyone will read them. Tell me, does it matter? Are words less powerful when they fall inside a void? Or vanish into the abyss?

So, yes, I've decided that I will follow Jeanne's* lead and begin again. Just baby steps for now and, as we head towards autumn and cooler, kinder days, I hope that the inspiration and the words will flow. Like the endless ebb and flow of the sea. I've made too many mistakes in the past. Looked for ides from everywhere except from within myself; listened to everything except my heart. 

But now I think  I'm ready to begin again. To be kinder and gentler with myself and let the words come as they may. Yes, I think it's a wonderful idea.

So, please join me on this adventure. I have a feeling that this journey together will take us to some unexpected places. We will share beautiful moments from our lives and talk about the most extraordinary books that are waiting to be read. I'm quite excited to begin again; and what  better time than now, on the cusp of a new season?

*If you're reading this and you don't already follow Jeanne, make sure you visit her wonderful blog Tahilla Farm.


  1. Good to see you posting again!
    There are more, I believe, people that read blogs than what shows up in the statistics. I stopped looking at Google analytics because it can be a downer.

    1. If that's the case, it's very encouraging. I don't pay much attention to Google Analytics anymore.

  2. I am sooo glad Lorna, that you are posting again, and writing from the heart. Just let it flow…which you clearly have done here. A beautiful and thoughtful post. Love that you are linking in your story too! Thank you for the mention, write on!!

    1. Thank you, Jeanne. Sometimes we need a little push and reading your beautiful and thoughtful posts encouraged me to start again.

  3. Contessa here!
    I LOVE THIS AND OF COURSE I FOLLOW JEANNE‼️She was one of the first blogs I FOLLOWED.Maybe you need to do one of her writing CAMPS in the future!Its been along time since you traveled to America‼️xxx

    1. I wish I could do one of her writing camps. But never say never. It's been 4 years since I was in the US. I'll probably visit next year.

  4. Oh yes Loree do begin again! Miss reading your wonderful thoughts that you express so well. It seems like with autumn's arrival we get a fresh perspective. I know I do. Will be looking forward to your posts sweet friend. Hugs! P.S. (I will go check out Jeanne's blog)

    1. Thank you, Debbie for your constant support and thoughtful comments. I am so happy you enjoy my scribbles :)

  5. Welcome back! Jeanne is one of my favorite people and bloggers. She like you are from "the good old days" of blogging. Begin again and just write whatever you wish. We will be here. Elizabeth@pinecones


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