In search of gentle moments

 I feel overwhelmed sometimes, wondering what people come here to read, what they expect me to say and whether anything I do say makes a difference in the grand scheme of things. There was a time when words sounded so beautiful that I used to hear them, like sweet notes in my head. There was a time when everything felt true and lovely and fresh. But the world has turned bleak and I have lost by way in this world of words. There's too much noise everywhere and it seems that the places we can run to for some refuge, some respite from the constant jabbering, are disappearing.

Sincerely Loree: Autumn sunset

This year that we were all looking forward to with such anticipation (new year, new decade and all that) has punched us all in the gut. It's been one mad event after another, like a roller-coaster that has lost control. You all know what I am talking about so I am not going to even bother mentioning them. My country has, perhaps, lost the plot more than any other country in the world. It has been hijacked by criminals who have infiltrated every possible institution that exists; and, as assassinated Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia wrote just minutes before the car she was driving was blown up: There are crooks everywhere you look now. The situation is desperate. It was desperate in 2017 and it still is now. Even more so. I feel weary and sometimes I can't even find the little energy it requires to sit down and write Like many of you, I feel like burying my head in the sand in the hope that IT (or I should say our collective troubles) will all go away. IT won't, but we can hope, and try to find solace in all the beautiful things that have the power to draw us away from the harshness, the grief and the ugliness and help us experience a few gentle moments. 

Sincerely Loree: Autumn sunset

So today I wanted to share a few blogs where I find comfort in the beautiful words and images shared by some wonderful women. I won't say much about them. Just go and discover them for yourselves.

Naomi Loves

Simply Start Living

Lazy Daisy Jones

Lost In Arles

View From Harmony Hills

If you want to discover more delightful women check out Blogs by women over 40 that I love to read.

And if you haven't yet come across a video of Stjepan Hauser playing the cello you're missing out on something really special. Here's a link to his official You Tube channel, I promise that you won't want to leave.

Sincerely Loree: Autumn sunset

P.S. Hope you enjoy these photos of some beautiful autumn sunsets that we've had lately. All photos from our balcony during some gentle moments.


  1. Hi Lori
    Your words really touched me today. Keep writing and keep inspiring us with your words. As you know things are not good here in the U.S either. I try to find joy in my family, my garden and the simple things. It has been a rough year and next doesn't look to be much better until well into it. My heart goes out to you, just keep sharing your beautiful thoughts.

  2. Thank you for the blog recommends. It isn't easy finding more blogs to read.
    There is evil everywhere. It is wearing thin in America, the protests, violence when things don't go the way the group du jour wants it to go. Foreign influences at work is not easy to dismiss.

  3. I ADORE YOUR WORDS AND YOUR PHOTOS................even your book RECOMMENDATIONS!!!
    KEEP ON KEEPING ON.............

  4. Thank you for sharing from such a authentic place in your heart. Your words and your thoughts are so important. I know it's tempting to question ourselves when it comes to what we're sharing in the blog world, I can fall into that trap as well, but I've found that when I get into this doubting place I'm usually in need of a some replenishment, simple activities that help me re-connect with my center. Whether it's a good book or listening to a uplifting podcast or even some time in nature or my garden. Breaking that unconscious habit of comparing ourselves with others, that's what's so important.
    Just keep sharing from your heart Loree, it's such beautiful one.

  5. @Cindy, thank you for your encouraging words.

    @Salty Pumpkin Studio: I agree that it's become harder to find 'gentle' blogs to read.

    @Contessa: thanks for the reminder to be happy with the things we have.

    @Leslie: thank you for your sweet comment and your encouragement. I needed that :)

  6. I agree with everyone above, just keep writing, your words will drown out all of the "noise" that is happening around you and bring a little joy to you and to us. I love reading blogs that are authentic and yours is one of them, even though I do not alway comment I love to see your posts. Take care and be gentle with yourself better days are ahead.

  7. Hi Lorna,
    Enjoy reading your blogs, you are very talented, in many ways, don't let the negativity of the current situations bog you down. When things are out of our control we have to try and overcome our feelings by changing our habits or create new ones that make us happy or improve our surroundings. I have challanged myself to new levels in many ways and it has helped enormously, made many new friends started new hobbies and started jogging again. Ss you are aware we have been in lockdown for 4 months. Take care. Love Auntue Joyce. ������


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Sincerely, Loree2025. Theme by STS.